Saturday, November 24, 2012

Timothy at 3 Months

Today, Timothy is 3 months.  It boggles my mind that I have a 3 month old baby in my house again!  He is growing up so fast.  Wanna see his growth...its crazy.

Like I said, he's growing fast!  As of now he is doing great.  Just this week he has started sleeping through the night.  He wakes up about 6:30 and goes back down for a nap at about 8. He is such a happy baby and super good.  I have often counted my blessing when it comes to my children. We have been very blessed with generally good happy babies and that is something I am so grateful for. He is weighing in at about 13 pounds (with clothes on). He has gotten really vocal and interactive with us and it is so much fun.  He is learning that he can interact with his toys a bit more and this morning I even got him shaking a rattle.  He wakes up very happy in the morning and usually he and I have some great conversation first thing in the morning.  He has gotten a good schedule down and is always so happy.  He has funny moments where he goes from giggling to suddenly screaming.  Those are the times when we have let him sleep a little longer and he is overdue to eat.  And bad dreams at night. 

Last week I took Timothy to get his pictures done.  We took him to Portrait Innovations, because they had a cheap picture package and it meant I didn't have to deal with much to get them done.  we got like 37 pictures for 15 bucks.  Can't really beat that.  Here is a slideshow of the pictures we got taken..

From Timothy 3 Month Portraits

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