Mom didn't get to enjoy the theatrical version. She died in March 2006 not knowing that the movie was actually going to come out one day. Last night I got to enjoy watching the movie version of the musical that my mom taught me to love. I have spent years singing along to the music. I have a recording of the complete symphonic recording. I know virtually every word to every song. I know the exact moment when my recording will skip on Bring Him Home. Growing up we had a record (the vinyl kind) of Les Mis. I remember reading the lyrics from the record cover. I used to sit and sing song to Castle on a Cloud. I listened to the highlights cd with the white cover. I listened to the complete symphonic recording. I watched the 10th anniversary and the 25th anniversary recordings. I have seen the stage version multiple times in Chicago and Salt Lake City. I think is is safe to say that Les Miserable is one of my favorite collections of music. I could literally sit and listen to the music over and over again all day.
My thoughts-- (just mine, of now value to anyone else and surely not based on anything spectacular!)
Russell Crowe- eh... I think he fit the character body wise. I think he sang well, but I don't think he sang well for Javert. To me, Javert has a certain degree of anger when he sings. In the stage versions they really capture that anger. I didn't feel like Crowe did and that made me sad. His image though was spot on for the Javert. So I have. Mixed feelings.
Amanda Seyfried was good. I told Justin that I thought she had too much vibrato when she sang, but as I listened to the symphonic recording, Cosette does have that when she sings. Maybe it is just that Seyfried has a little more than I like. I don't know, she did a good jobs and she can sing....
Sasha Baron Cohen and Helena Bonham Carter- ah, perfect! They played the Thenardier's perfectly. Over the top and extravagant.
Eddie Redmayne- did a good job as Marius. I was happy with him.
The young girl that played Cosette did a wonderful job. She looked the part and she sang the part.
Everyone else, I really was happy with.
Now to the few changes---
"A man who only learned to love, when you were in his keeping." Vs "your mother gave her life for you, then gave you to my keeping." Both lines are wonderful, but they focus on different aspects of the story. A mothers sacrifice and a mans repentance.
Suddenly- I loved this addition to the musical. I think that it really showed the shift of his love from nothing to this little child who had barely entered his life. I loved it.
There were others, but I was happy with how the movie turned out. I wish my mom had been there to watch it with me.
I do want to mention... The finale... Again... Was absolutely amazing. I kept thinking about Justin's dad and my mom laying on their death beds and saying those same things. And then thinking about the loved ones who had gone before them standing at their side and showing them where to go. It was emotional for me... Very emotional...I cried.
Missing loved ones sucks sometimes.
And my favorite line of the musical, movie, etc...
"Remember, the truth that once was spoken,
to love another person is to see the face of God."
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My entire family went to see Les Mis over Christmas and we spent the whole week critiquing the movie almost exactly how you did! I have had a long love affair with Les Miserables as well. I read the book when I was quite young and have enjoyed the music from the stage version since then too. It was fun to read your experience with the film. Thanks!
I'm DYING to see this....granted I haven't read the book or have ANYTHING or anyone to compare with...I just love the music and wANT to know the story. :) Cute post!
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