Sunday, June 10, 2012

10 Years

10 years ago I married my best friend. I still believe that there has never been another couple who love each other more than we do. Our story began with a man and a woman neither of whom were looking for love at the time. But we found each other nonetheless, and our lives have been forever changed. Each of us surrendered the decision to marry to our Lord. It was one of the most terrifying things I have ever done, knowing that God could, in fact, say no. But we did so anyway. He said yes, but the effort to seek His will first resulted in a foundation to our marriage which has only strengthened our commitment to one another over the last 10 years.

We have already done so much together. We have each earned college degrees. We made it through medical school. We are currently working through residency. Each of us has lost a parent. We have welcomed 3 wonderful children into our home and are excited for the 4th to arrive this year. We have called 5 apartments and 2 houses home. We have lived in 4 states and visited or traveled through many more. We have cried together, celebrated together, worked together.

And through all of the fun, the trials, the work - you name it - we have both come to the same conclusion to the same question: Would we do it again? The answer is a simple, but unequivocal YES.

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