Yesterday was a fun day. It was nothing spectacular, but it was wonderful. Celebrating Timothy's first birthday was an all day affair, literally, the kids only slept when I put him in a car seat... I woke up to a very happy baby boy. Unfortunately, Justin woke up much earlier, and was off to work...on call... all weekend! :( It was a sad thing that dad didn't get to spend the whole day with all of us,but he did get a little break and got to come home.
We started off making breakfast and birthday cakes...a LOT of birthday cakes. I made a smash cake for him and then a bunch of large cupcakes...and then with the leftover cake batter I made a small 9 inch really thin "cookie cake." (obviously not a cookie, but thin like a cookie cake!) For breakfast we had chocolate/Butterscotch pancakes, a scrambled egg for Timothy and Milk.
After the cakes were all baked, cooled and out of their pans, we made a run to the store for some wrapping paper. Timothy fell asleep in the car of course! We also made a stop at Carter's to buy some of their PJ's that were 50% off.
When we got home, we played and had lunch. We tried some ravioli...note for the future, timothy doesn't like mini ravioli's... we will skip it next time. Also, I frosted and decorated all of the cakes and had fun doing it. Afterwards we were lucky to be able to go down and catch Justin between surgeries and had a nice little visit with him.
Then we were overjoyed to get a phone call an hour or so later to say he was on hi way home and hopefully had a little bit of a break. He made it home while +Kelly Bentley and her son Casen were here dropping up a little present for Timothy and so we had them join us for some cake. It was a blast!
Cake wore us all out, but we did eventually have to had some dinner... I threw together some pork chops and sauerkaraut and a spinach salad and we had a nice little dinner.
At bedtime I was all too ready to put Timothy down. I love my boy, but not having a nap free day was tough for this mommy! We discovered however, that Timothy loves his big brother...and only wants to sleep in his bed if his brother is there to sleep too. Good to know for bed time, day time will mean a cut back to one it has to wait until he is SUPER duper tired! His schedule is changing quickly and I am not ready for that. It is kind of crazy to think that I have a one year old. And kind wild to think of all the changes that will come for him in the next year. Excited and dreading them all at the same time! I am happy to say though, that despite the early standing up and cruising, he is NOT walking yet...close to it, but not there yet. But there are a lot of things he IS doing. He says: Dada, momma, dog, nana (banana), and today he even threw out DONE when he was mad at me. He has said a few other things, but they all get jumbled together in the same sound and even though he is obviously speaking of something else, the sound is much the same. He does love his dog though and thankfully, Pugsley loves him and is very sweet.
Timothy Paul is a sweet sweet boy and I wouldn't have him any other way. Thanks to everyone who has made the past year wonderful for Timothy. We love you all! I really am excited to see what the next year has in store for us. Just Can't Wait!
And here is the First Year book that I just finished for Timothy. I have to add his dr visit stats tomorrow, but other than that and re-reading the captions, I think it is already to go. What do you think? And before you praise me on how impressive it is that I have it finished already (I am sure that was first on your mind :) ) I just got the other kids books done about a year and a half ago. Jaicie is 10... I did Timothy's month by month (okay so 7 months, then another 4 months than the rest of it today) It was easier to do it all at once then trying to catch up later! :) Enjoy!
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