Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My New Adventure

Over the past few months, Justin and I have been figuring out ways to bring a little more income into our home. The idea kept coming back to expanding what I am already doing in my work from home job!

So yesterday, I took the first step in making that happen!  I would like to introduce you to:

Jaidi Clayton Virtual Assistant 
Let me do the work you don't want to do!

For the past nearly 4 years I have been working with Bliss Sawyer as a virtual assistant. I have done everything from data entry to website modifications to creating and distributing newsletters. Since I have a lot of experience with computers and many computer programs, and I am a quick learner on the computer (not that I mean to brag) I decided that I can spend my time working for anyone that needs jobs done that they really don't want to do.

So my new 'business' is a virtual assistant business. I can be contracted to do just any job and will provide invoices and receipts. I have a standard rate of $10 per hour.

While this may take time to take off, it is wonderful, because it does not require up front costs and it is something that I can do from home and on my time frame. I am looking forward to the work coming in.

Please feel free to help me spread the word. If you know anyone that might have some jobs that I can help them out with please pass on my information. I can be contacted directly from the website and look forward to helping out in any way I can!

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